Follow our 4 stages to navigate your own blended roles journey. Click the links for more detail.
We have produced a series of podcasts as part of this work, capturing insight from those who have implemented blended roles.
Please find our podcasts here: Podcasts
Stage 1: Readiness
Stage 2: Preparation
- Essential that good relationships exist between carers & district nurses before you start
- Requires support of senior leaders including lead nurse for district nursing
- Developmental contract is an enabler for working differently
- Financial uplift to fees for providers with expectation of higher pay for carers
- Blended roles as part of wider changes to facilitate closer working across care and health
- Secure capacity – let team pick themselves
- Recruit facilitator – qualities first
- Engage providers
- Provide time and space for people to talk about their concerns
- Clarify responsibilities and accountabilities and confirm policy
- Review data together to identify your initial cohort
- Communicate your intent
- Check you have the right cultural enablers in place
Stage 3: Implementation
Stage 4: Review, learn, evolve
- Start with the willing
- Deliver training to carers – face to face and fieldwork
- Agree & implement support offer
- Sign off competencies for insulin, pressure ulcers and wound care
- Swap mobile phone numbers
- Debrief if anything goes wrong – what can we learn?
- Agree practical steps e.g. what to do if, who to contact when
- Share resources
- Regular informal check-ins with providers
- Facilitator routinely shares information, soft intelligence and learning with wider system leads
- Project team enabled to respond to any issues arising
- Share stories and encourage carers & providers to talk to peers
- Collect stories of impact
- Work with providers to identify other opportunities