
The approach to Sector Led Improvement for Adult Social Care in the North West was approved by the Board at its first meeting on 8 October 2012 and was firmly sector led.  The approach forms part of and complements a wider approach to Sector Led Improvement across all local authority services  Sector Led Improvement looks at the evidence of how we assess ourselves and are accountable to our population, demonstrates how the North West collectively works to improve and risk access ourselves and to do this through a strong, cohesive and responsibly methodology.

The key features of NW ADASS include the role of Chair, Deputy Chair and Treasurer. NW ADASS holds quarterly Branch and Executive Board meetings along with a Sector Led Improvement (SLI) Board which meets every 6 weeks with responsibility for sector led improvement.   NW ADASS also has a number of key policy leads meetings and networks which take place on a regular basis.  To assist in developing and supporting the ambitions of NW ADASS we also have a Programme Office.

Governance Structure

This Governance Structure shows the reporting lines of how all the workstreams of North West ADASS fit together.

Governance Structure 2018

Sector Led Improvement Programme 2018/19

In the context of our agreed strategic policy priorities and supporting objectives, the SLI Board has developed a suite of specific SLI Recommendations that help form the SLI Programme for 2018/19. The recommendations are based off our understanding of the data and where we need to improve, but also where we have areas of good practice that we should share with our colleagues across the North West.

SLI Programme 2018-19