This report has been developed to support North West ADASS Programme Office and Workforce Group to develop their thinking and work plan to ensure that the social care sector has the workforce in not onlyMore… Creating a World Class Workforce June 2018
Caring, unpaid, for older and disabled relatives is an increasing issue for our time and one that is affecting more families and friends in both the UK and throughout the world.
This report is the TEASC Executive Summary which analyses the self-assessments undertaken in 2017/18 by of 22 of the 23 councils in the North West Region of England, using the Local Government Association (LGA) and Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) Risk Assessment Tool.
Recent publications highlighted that at the national level the sustainability of the ASC market is increasingly at risk. Following on from these recent discussions, the NW ADASS Branch meetings focused on the scale of financial challenge and the level of risk in care markets in the North West.
The NW Mental health ADASS group provides a forum for the sharing of ideas and the development of north-west specific social care policy developments across the region within mental health. Meeting every two months at New Town House, Warrington; the group acts as the sounding board for NW directors of Adult Social Care in mental health policy, practice and law.
Recent publications have highlighted that at the national level the sustainability of the ASC market is increasingly at risk. Following on from these recent discussions at North-West Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (NW ADASS) Branch meetings focused on the scale of financial challenge and the level of risk in care markets in the North-West.