The NW ADASS E-Newsletter will provide the platform to regularly update colleagues across the NW on key developments of specific work programmes, SLI, LGA, learning from other regions, events, evidence briefings and government announcements (Data, finance, etc). The newsletter will be shaped in such a way that it is a source of useful information, case studies, good practice, sharing and learning innovative approaches for both internal and external colleagues and a dynamic distribution list will be administered on a weekly basis. The NW ADASS programme office will manage the content and distribution and use ‘Mailchimp’ to structure and issue the newsletters. The newsletter will be circulated on a monthly basis and will also be flexible to accommodate requests and contributions from colleagues and partners.
December 2018; November 2018; October 2018; September 2018; July 2018; June 2018; May 2018; April 2018; February/March 2018; January 2018
December 2017; November 2017; October 2017; September 2017; August 2017; July 2017; June 2017; April /May 2017; March 2017; February 2017; January 2017
December 2016; November 2016; October 2016; July 2016; June 2016;
Developments in Adult Social Care Bulletin – These bulletins contain brief details of news, research reports, journal articles and government policy in relation to Adult Social Care.