ADASS – is the association of directors of adult social services in England. We are a charity and the association aims to further the interests of people in need of social care by promoting high standards of social care services and influencing the development of social care legislation and policy.  The membership is drawn from serving directors of adult social care employed by local authorities.  Associate members are past directors and our wider membership includes deputy and assistant directors.
AQuA Events – AQuA are a NHS Health and Care Quality Improvement Organisation at the forefront of transforming the safety and quality of healthcare.
Coalition for Collaborative Care – A national partnership of 50 organisations, all committed to a better deal for people with long-term conditions and their carers.
GMHSCP –  Devolution has put Greater Manchester in charge of improving the health and wellbeing of everyone who lives here. Our ten boroughs are working together to transform our public services and tackle the biggest issues affecting our health.  Find out more about what we do.
iNetwork – iNetwork’s vision is to help local public service organisations to “collaborate to innovate” and thereby provide effective support for their users, patients and communities.
Leaders in GM – The aim of the Leaders in GM programme is to develop a strong network of capable, resilient leaders across the region and within localities, who are able to collaborate to overcome challenges and make tangible, sustainable and positive differences across communities.
LGA CHIP Programme – The care and health improvement programme provides support for social care, integration and health as well as supporting the transforming care programme for people with learning disabilities and/or autism. The sector-led improvement programme for care and health, is co-produced and delivered with ADASS, the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services in England.
LGA –  Are the national voice of local government, working with councils to support, promote and improve local government.
Merseyside Safeguarding Adults Board – This website has been designed to support all those who live and work in Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton and Wirral areas, to ensure that they can live fulfilled lives free from abuse and neglect.
MIAA Events – Keeping their clients informed on emerging governance and wider policy developments.
NHSE – NHS England leads the National Health Service (NHS) in England, find out more about what we do.
NHS Midlands and Lancashire CSU –  Is designed to be both of and for the NHS. Our vision is to be pivotal in fully supporting the delivery of major improvements in health and well-being.
NICE – Improving Health and Social Care through evidence based guidance.
North West Employers – Offer a range of developmental events for all staff across the workforce; councillors, leaders, managers, officers, administrators and front line staff to help improve current skills and grow new ones.
NWTDT/Pathways Associates CIC – Offer a broad range of  support to both health and social care organisations, drawing upon the skills of our Associates and our unique position within the North West Region.
SCIE – Accredited training, consultancy, research and resources for the social care and health sectors from independent charity and improvement agency, the Social Care Institute for Excellence
SharedLivesPlus – Are the UK’s leading network for Shared Lives carers, schemes and Homeshare schemes. Through them we promote shared living across the UK, tackle loneliness and offer independence, belonging and personal choice – things we take for granted until we need that bit of extra support.
TLAP – A a national partnership of more than 50 organisations committed to transforming health and care through personalisation and community-based support.