Tony Pounder, Director of Adult Social Services,
Lancashire County Council
Under the Care Act 2014 local authorities have a legal obligation to assess the need for and provide social care to people whose needs make them eligible to receive it. The obligation placed on local authorities also applies to those in need of social care in prisons, so that prisoners are entitled to have access to the equivalent care provision as someone in the community.
Tony Pounder is the NW ADASS lead for Prisons. The region has held conferences and workshops in order to explore collaboration, and conducted a stocktake to understand how we have responded to the Care Act. If you would like to find out more please contact
Social Care in Prisons in England and Wales: A thematic report October, 2018
Presentation from Paul Tarbuck, Health and Social Care Inspector, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons
File name: Social-Care-Thematic-Preston-Oct-2018.pdf
File size: 910.46 KB
Published: 2018-11-15
HMIP/CQC Thematic Inspection in Prisons Report
Social Care in Prisons in England and Wales a Thematic Report
File name: Social-care-thematic-2018-web.pdf
File size: 326.82 KB
Published: 2018-11-15
NW Social Care in Prisons - NHS Presentation
Key issues from a NHS perspective
File name: presentation-social-care-29.10.18-002.pdf
File size: 209.05 KB
Published: 2018-11-15
NW Prison Stocktake
Report for the NWADASS Prisons Leads Group : Results of the North West ADASS Adult Social Care in Prisons Stocktake
File name: NW-Prisons-Stocktake-v1.3.pdf
File size: 881.94 KB
Published: 2018-11-15
Lancashire Prison Case Study
Using telecare to support prisoners with care needs
File name: Lancashire-Prison-Case-Study-FINAL-.pdf
File size: 214.47 KB
Published: 2018-11-15