Julie Gonda
    Interim Executive Director, Communities and Wellbeing, Bury Council
    DASS Strategic Lead for NW Carers






The NW ADASS Carers Network provides a network for local authority representatives who have a lead role with Carers, to share good practice, common goals, disseminate information and contribute to the regional and national agenda for Carers. Julie Gonda Interim Executive Director Communities and Wellbeing at Bury Council is the DASS Strategic Lead for carers in the NW.

Priorities 18-19

Carer Data

A Carer Data Task and Finish Group has been established with the aim of changing the strategic view of carers and improving existing data sources on carers including the biannual Personal Social Services (PSS) Survey of Carers. The Group will:

  • Establish what we want to know about carers and their experiences, and what the benefits of capturing data will be.
  • Explore no more than 10-15 data measures that will be evaluated quarterly across the region.
  • Explore real time methods that can capture data.

Carers action plan 2018 to 2020: supporting carers today

It is proposed to undertake a detailed analysis of the Governments action plan translating it into strategies and plans moving forward and identifying examples of good practice across the NW.

Efficient and Effective Interventions

Support ADASS in undertaking a survey to capture current practice around implementation of the Care Act 2014 in relation to carers and disseminate learning.

NW Carers Stocktake

A thematic report will be produced to better understand the current picture for carers across the region including system demand and risk. The report identify priorities and recommendations in this respect.

Supporting Working carers

NW ADASS Carers Network and GM Carers Programme are working collaborative to produce an exemplar carer policy and guidance for managers along with exploring the expansion of e-learning to raise awareness of the needs of working carers.

Useful work/recent documents

Top Tips for Supporting Working Carers

Top Tips for Supporting Working Carers has been produced by Think Local Act Personal in partnership with ADASS Yorkshire & Humberside, and ADASS North West Regions. The tips were developed collaboratively by participants at a series of workshops looking at good practice in supporting working carers. The project was facilitated by Exploring Opportunities, a small independent company. An in-depth  Working Carers Report has been produced alongside Working Carers Top Tips

  • Juggling Work and Unpaid Care

    Caring, unpaid, for older and disabled relatives is an increasing issue for our time and one that is affecting more families and friends in both the UK and throughout the world.

    File name: Juggling_work_and_unpaid_care_report_final_0119_WEB.pdf
    File size: 2.93 MB
    Published: 2019-02-22

  • Working Carers Top Tips

    Top Tips for Supporting Working Carers has been produced by Think Local Act Personal in partnership with ADASS Yorkshire & Humberside, and ADASS North West Regions. The tips were developed collaboratively by participants at a series of workshops looking at good practice in supporting working carers.

    File name: WorkingCarersTopTips-FINAL.pdf
    File size: 520.62 KB
    Published: 2018-11-14

  • Supporting Working Carers

    This project worked collaboratively across the Yorkshire & Humber and the North West regions with working carers, carers groups and centres, businesses, employer and employee representative organisations and health and social care partners.

    File name: WorkingCarersReport-FINAL-.pdf
    File size: 654.94 KB
    Published: 2018-11-14