New Fund to Improve Children and Young People’s Mental Health Grants of up to £510,000 are now available to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations (VCSEs) wishing to run projects focused on improving children andMore… New Fund to Improve Children and Young People’s Mental Health
Design in Social Care Programme Congratulations to Halton Council who were successful in their application to the LGA Design in Social Care Programme in partnership with service design agency Snook. Further information on their chosen problemMore… Congratulations to Halton Council
A small selection of articles in this month’s newsletter: Presentations from the Implementing High Impact Change Model Event on 24th October at Halton Stadium. Presentations from the NW ADASS Prison’s Event on 29th October. Regional andMore… NW ADASS Newsletter : November 2018
Results of the North West ADASS : Adult Social Care in Prisons Stocktake This report provides an overview of the results of the North West ADASS prisons stocktake, which was a short survey that was circulated to allMore… Report for the NW ADASS Prisons Leads Group