The Urgent Care Workstream is led by Dwayne Johnson, Director of Adult Social Care at Sefton to share local intelligence, identify good practice, support key issues surrounding urgent care with a focus on hospital systems; prevent admissions wherever possible, discharge safely and quickly and ensure a seamless integrated service to support people in the community.
NW ADASS Urgent Care
National policies, strategies and guidance are cascaded to the NW ADASS lead who shares with the Chair of the NW ADASS Group and the NW Executive Board.
The NW ADASS lead receives detailed information about performance across the NW region. This tends to focus on delayed discharges attributable to adult social care, non-elective targets and A&E, as well as a raft of other information. The lead DASS communicates with the local DASS, this is often undertaken with our LGA CHIA Advisor for the North to see whether there is any assistance that can be provided.
The NW ADASS region is currently looking at its support programme around integration. NW ADASS Leads for Integration and Urgent Care will be working together to develop an improvement and support offer with the assistance of the Programme Office. In doing so, we will work closely with the NW BCF Manager. We will consider the appropriate NW network around integration.
Dwayne Johnson, Director of Adult Social Services (DASS),
Childrens Social Care (DCS) and Health for Sefton Council